Word of the year 2024
This year it took me while to get the blog post out on the word of the year. I failed to make it a priority and I questioned it for a while. After a lot of thought I am ready to share.
If you have been following for while you know the story of how I started "Word of the Year" the year after my sister died. Let’s just say… I needed it. I needed that “something” to grab on to and it was a lifeline that year. Then throughout the year tried to refer to it when I began questioning myself and my feelings. The first year the word was “ light”. After living in darkness for the better part of 2014 I needed to see a different landscape. It seemed to help. So each year after, my husband and I have sat down on News Years Eve and decided on a word.
I have always prided myself not to pick a fluffy word like, 'believe' or 'journey' or 'peace'. Don’t get me wrong those words are important but I wanted a deeper more challenging word. Something to sink your teeth into and try to achieve it.
So after 10 years here we were looking at 2024 and trying ton decide what this year will hold. We quickly we came up with 3… yes 3! Which I am not sharing the other 2 just in case I decided to use them later…
We landed on AMPLIFY.
For over 6 of these word picking years we have been building a business. It has had its ups and downs but overall we are very proud of what we have built. I mean 2020s word started as GROW ( I know a bit fluffy…) and quickly turned into PIVOT. To be honest a lot of our word choices evolved around our business. So I guess this year really isn’t any different.
I like to say “we are marching”! We have two locations, a third opening early 2025 and a 4th location on the horizon? So the word came easy. Take what we have and amplify it. How do we do it better? How do we increase our sales and customers? How do we increase our strength in the market and how do we make a greater impact in our communities. These questions and others will be our focus this year not only in business but personally too. Shh.. both Ben and I turn 50 this year. So how are we going to AMPLIFY us? Hopefully spend more quality time with family and friends, travel, build and like one of the definitions of the word … get louder? Maybe 🤔 “getting louder" has never really been something I needed to work on....