This Year's Word

Our word for the year is inventory.

The word inventory for many usually relates to business, and if you know me and Ben, that would be true most of the time! We talk business all year long. However, when we talk shop, it isn't just about White Birch Design Co, it's usually about us. 

Taking inventory is about where we want to be today, tomorrow, this year and the next. Sometimes one aspect of our life takes more time than other aspects, and that definitely happened this past year with opening our second location!

So, when it was time to sit down and start deciding on our Word of the Year, which we have been seriously doing since 2015, we talked about those goals... physically, mentally, and financially.

To accomplish our goals that we set together, we need to do inventory of ourselves from many perspectives: raw materials... which is our life; the components... which is us; finding the right tools... maintenance and repair; to be on the proper track (the Peloton is calling my name...); finished goods... goals we want to accomplish.

The very first step we take forward together in the new year is by taking inventory - we must take inventory of ourselves. We can set the tone for the entire year by taking a hard look at us and deciding what we want to purge, what we want to keep, and where we want to be.

We encourage everyone to take a personal inventory and start the new year with clear eyes, an open heart and a beautiful life to live.

Here's to a wonderful new year. Happy 2023, friends!